Where to buy DMT for sale online

DMT, or dimethyltryptamine, is a powerful psychedelic compound that has garnered significant attention in recent years for its potential therapeutic benefits and mind-altering effects. However, the online market for DMT and other research chemicals has become a breeding ground for dubious sellers and questionable products, raising serious concerns about safety, legality, and ethical considerations.
One of the primary issues with online DMT sellers is the lack of regulation and oversight. Many vendors market their products as “research chemicals,” exploiting legal loopholes to circumvent strict drug regulations. While there is legitimate scientific research involving DMT, most of the substances offered for sale online are not intended for genuine scientific research but rather recreational use. This mislabeling can be misleading and potentially dangerous.
Furthermore, the quality and purity of DMT sold online are often uncertain. Unlike pharmaceutical-grade compounds, these designer drugs are produced in unregulated environments, making it difficult for buyers to know what they purchase. Without proper quality control, users risk ingesting impurities or harmful substances that can lead to severe health consequences.
The online marketplace also attracts sellers with questionable intentions. Some are motivated by profit, preying on vulnerable individuals seeking mind-altering experiences. This predatory behavior can have dire consequences for users unfamiliar with the risks associated with DMT and other psychedelics.
The legality of buying and selling DMT online varies by country and jurisdiction, adding a layer of complexity to the issue. Buyers may unwittingly expose themselves to legal repercussions by engaging in these transactions, making it imperative to research the laws in their region thoroughly.


N, N-Dimethyltryptamine, commonly referred to as DMT, Dmitri, or “The Spirit Molecule,” belongs to the tryptamine class of classical psychedelic substances. This compound is renowned among psychedelics for its remarkable capacity to induce brief yet profoundly immersive visionary experiences and complete hallucinations. Although the exact mechanism is not fully elucidated, DMT is believed to exert its effects by binding to serotonin receptors in the brain.
DMT is naturally occurring and has been discovered in over 65 plant species. It has also been identified as a standard component of human metabolism and is recognized as an endogenous neurotransmitter in certain rodents. Its presence spans across the plant kingdom. However, its precise neurobiological function remains undetermined despite several proposed theories.
When vaporized or smoked, DMT elicits rapidly onset, short-lived effects often likened to an “inconceivably high-speed rollercoaster ride.” When ingested alongside an MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or RIMA (Reversible Inhibitor of Monoamine Oxidase A) agent, it becomes orally active, resulting in extended, immersive, and interactive experiences. This combination is commonly referred to as ayahuasca, a brew with a rich tradition of use in South America dating back to at least the 1500s.
Remarkably, DMT differs from most highly regulated substances in that it has not been shown to possess addictive properties or induce physiological toxicity. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that adverse reactions, such as severe anxiety, delusions, and even psychosis, remain potential risks, even for experienced users, particularly those predisposed to mental disorders.
Given these potential risks, it is strongly recommended that harm reduction practices be diligently employed when considering the use of this substance. Prioritizing safety and responsible usage is essential to mitigate potential adverse outcomes associated with DMT experiences.

History and culture

The synthesis of DMT dates back to 1931, when German chemist Richard Helmuth Fredrick Manske first created it. However, its recognition as a naturally occurring substance is mainly attributed to Brazilian chemist and microbiologist Oswaldo Gonçalves de Lima. In 1946, he isolated an alkaloid from the root bark of the jurema preta plant (Mimosa tenuiflora) and named it nigerina (nigerine).
DMT’s definitive identification occurred in 1959 when American chemists received a sample of Mimosa tenuiflora. Notably, in 1955, a group of American chemists led by Evan Horning had previously isolated and officially identified DMT in the seeds and pods of the Anadenanthera peregrina plant.
Since that pivotal discovery in 1955, DMT has been detected in numerous organisms. It has been found in at least fifty plant species belonging to ten families. It has also been identified in four animal species, including one gorgonian and three mammalian species. This wide distribution underscores the natural presence of DMT in various living organisms, contributing to our understanding of its prevalence in the natural world.


DMT, known as N, N-dimethyltryptamine, belongs to the tryptamine family of organic compounds. Tryptamines are characterized by a fundamental structure consisting of a bicyclic indole heterocycle connected at the R3 position to an amino group through an ethyl side chain. In the case of DMT, this structure features two methyl groups (CH3-) attached to the terminal amine RN at the chain’s end.
DMT has numerous homologs and analogs within the tryptamine family, ranging from basic tryptamines like MET and DPT to variations with substitutions at the four and five positions. Examples of these substituted variants include 4-PO-DMT (psilocybin), 4-AcO-DMT (psilocybin), 5-HO-DMT (bufotenin), and 5-MeO-DMT.
Pure DMT is found in the form of a white, crystalline solid, often characterized by a rubber-like odor. It exhibits moderate solubility in water but can dissolve readily in organic solvents and aqueous acids. When used, this chemical composition and physical properties contribute to its unique characteristics and effects.


The psychedelic effects of DMT are thought to stem from its ability to act as a partial agonist at the 5-HT2A receptor. Nevertheless, the precise mechanisms underlying these interactions and how they culminate in the psychedelic experience remain enigmatic.
Furthermore, it is believed that N, N-dimethyltryptamine serves as an endogenous ligand for the sigma receptor. However, the significance and implications of the sigma-1 receptor in this context continue to be a focal point of ongoing scientific investigation.

Subjective effects

The effects of DMT can vary significantly depending on the dosage and method of administration. These effects range from mild psychedelic states to profoundly immersive, life-altering experiences often described as a complete departure from ordinary consciousness. Users frequently report encountering ineffable spiritual realms or alternate dimensions. Notably, high doses of DMT are associated with encounters with mysterious ‘beings’ of unknown origin, a phenomenon popularized by researchers like Terrence McKenna and Dr. Rick Strassman.

One unique aspect of smoked DMT is its reputation for being the least mentally impairing among psychedelics. This lack of perceived intoxication leads many users to describe DMT as an authentic experience within their consciousness.

Smoking DMT is often described as highly clear-headed, producing fewer personal insights than orally active psychedelics like ayahuasca, LSD, and psilocybin. This characteristic is attributed to the short-acting nature of smoked DMT.

However, it’s essential to approach DMT cautiously, as the effects can be unpredictable and may not manifest consistently. Adverse effects, including addiction, severe injury, or even death, become more likely at higher doses, making responsible usage paramount.

The effects of DMT encompass various categories:


  • Neurogenesis
  • Spontaneous bodily sensations, described as a pleasurable, all-encompassing glow
  • Physical euphoria (though not as reliably produced)
  • Changes in felt gravity, especially at higher doses
  • Spatial disorientation
  • Changes in felt bodily form
  • Physical autonomy
  • Nausea (less common than with some other psychedelics)
  • Pupil dilation
  • Increased heart rate
  • Temperature regulation suppression
  • Seizures (infrequent, especially in predisposed individuals)


  • Enhancements, including color enhancement and pattern recognition enhancement
  • Distortions like drifting, color replacement, tracers, and after-images
  • Complex geometry that is digital in appearance and highly intricate
  • Hallucinatory states, including machine scapes and transformations
  • Internal and external hallucinations, often of a personal, spiritual, or metaphysical nature


  • Analysis enhancement
  • Anxiety
  • Déjà vu
  • Delusion
  • Ego replacement
  • Emotion enhancement
  • Cognitive euphoria
  • Feelings of impending doom
  • Increased music appreciation (usually at lower doses)
  • Memory suppression
  • Ego death
  • Mindfulness (after the experience)
  • Multiple thought streams
  • Novelty enhancement
  • Personal bias suppression
  • Rejuvenation (often in Near-Death Experience variants)
  • Autonomous voice communication
  • Time distortion (a prominent aspect, even though it lasts briefly)


  • Auditory enhancements
  • Auditory distortions
  • Auditory hallucinations


  • Synesthesia (rare and non-reproducible)


  • Spirituality enhancement
  • Existential self-realization
  • Near-death experiences
  • Perception of eternalism
  • Perception of self-design
  • Perceived exposure to inner mechanics of consciousness
  • Unity and interconnectedness

The DMT experience typically progresses through stages, including “Breaking Through,” a “Waiting Room,” “The Other Side,” and “Drifting Down.” Each stage offers unique sensations and visual experiences.

While these effects provide a general framework for understanding DMT experiences, individual reactions can vary widely. Users should approach DMT cautiously and be mindful of its potential risks, particularly at higher doses. Responsible and informed use is essential when exploring this powerful psychedelic compound.

Natural plant sources

Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Mimosa hostilis, also recognized as Mimosa tenuiflora, Jurema, and Tepezcohuite, is a perennial tree or shrub indigenous to the northeastern regions of Brazil, extending as far north as southern Mexico. Approximately 1% of its dried weight comprises DMT. This plant is legally available online in various parts of the world. It serves as a commonly utilized source for DMT extractions or use in preparing ayahuasca.

Acacia Confusa Root Bark

Acacia confusa, alternatively referred to as Acacia Petit Feuille, Small Philippine Acacia, Formosa Acacia (Taiwan Acacia), and Formosan Koa, is a perennial tree originating from Southeast Asia. It is legally obtainable online and widely accessible in many regions across the globe. The plant material itself contains the following chemical components:

  • N-Methyltryptamine: 1.43% (non-psychoactive without MAOI)
  • DMT: 1.15%


Dr. Rick Strassman has put forth a theory suggesting that the pineal gland plays a role in the production and release of DMT, potentially leading to its heightened excretion during pivotal life moments like birth and death. Nevertheless, this viewpoint faced opposition from David E. Nichols in 2018, who argued that the pineal gland does not secrete sufficient quantities of DMT to induce psychoactive effects.
In 2019, a study by Jimo Borjigin in rat brains revealed that neurons possessing the necessary enzymes for DMT synthesis were not exclusive to the pineal gland but also in the neocortex and hippocampus.
Regarding near-death experiences, a 2018 study established significant associations between DMT experiences and near-death experiences, while a more extensive study in 2019 established links between near-death experiences and substances such as ketamine, Salvia divinorum, and DMT, along with other classical psychedelics.
Moreover, a significant development emerged in September 2020 when both in vitro and in vivo research demonstrated that DMT found in ayahuasca infusions promotes neurogenesis. Additionally, a 2018 study showcased how DMT and other psychedelics induce neuroplasticity through TrkB, mTOR, and 5-HT2A signaling.

Reagent results

Exposing compounds to the reagents gives a colour change which is indicative of the compound under test.

Yellow – Orange – BrownYellow – Green – Dark green(faint) Green – BrownBlackNo reactionNo reactionPink – magentaYellowNo reaction


DMT is widely recognized as a non-addictive substance with negligible neurotoxicity and a shallow toxicity level relative to dose. Similar to other psychedelics, acute exposure to DMT is associated with relatively few physical side effects. Numerous studies indicate that DMT does not generally lead to negative cognitive, psychiatric, or physical consequences when used in reasonable doses within a controlled context.

However, as is the case with psychedelics in general, DMT has the potential to act as a trigger for individuals with underlying psychiatric conditions. Those with a personal or family history of mental illness are advised to avoid using this substance unless under medical supervision.

Despite the absence of significant physical risks, it is strongly recommended to approach DMT with utmost caution and adhere to harm reduction practices.

Lethal Dosage: 

The median lethal dose (LD50) of DMT in humans has never been reached in any setting and is not expected to change due to its pharmacological properties.

Dependence and Abuse Potential: 

DMT, like other serotonergic psychedelics, is considered non-addictive and has a low potential for abuse. There are no documented cases of animals being trained to self-administer DMT, a model predictive of substance abuse liability. This suggests that DMT lacks the necessary pharmacology to initiate or sustain dependence. Furthermore, there is virtually no withdrawal syndrome associated with chronic DMT use.

Notably, tolerance to DMT does not seem to develop, although the reasons for this are unknown. Additionally, DMT does not induce cross-tolerance with other psychedelics, meaning that its consumption does not reduce the effects of other psychedelics.

Dangerous Interactions: 

Caution should be exercised when combining DMT with other substances, as some interactions can be dangerous or life-threatening. Here are a few known dangerous interactions to be aware of:

  • Lithium: Combining DMT with lithium, often prescribed for bipolar disorder, may significantly increase the risk of psychosis and seizures and is strongly discouraged.
  • Cannabis: The combination of DMT and cannabis can lead to unexpectedly strong and unpredictable effects, including anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and psychosis. Users are advised to start with a fraction of their usual cannabis dose and take long breaks between hits to avoid unintentional overdose.
  • Stimulants: Combining DMT with stimulants like amphetamine, cocaine, or methylphenidate can increase the risk of anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and thought loops and may elevate the risk of mania and psychosis.
  • Tramadol: Tramadol is known to lower the seizure threshold, and combining it with psychedelics, including DMT, may trigger seizures in susceptible individuals.

Legal status

DMT is categorized as a Schedule I controlled substance on the international stage by the United Nations 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances. This classification strictly monitors international trade in DMT and restricts its use for scientific research and medical purposes. However, natural materials containing DMT, including ayahuasca, fall outside the scope of regulation under the 1971 Psychotropic Convention.

Here is the legal status of DMT in several countries:

  • Australia: DMT is classified under Schedule 9 of the Poisons Standard. It is regulated under the Misuse of Drugs Act, with specific quantities indicating intent for sale and supply. There have been considerations to classify plants containing DMT as “controlled plants,” but this proposal was not pursued.
  • Austria: DMT is illegal to possess, produce, and sell under the Suchtmittelgesetz Österreich.[citation needed]
  • Belgium: DMT is illegal to possess, sell, purchase, and import.
  • Brazil: DMT is illegal to possess, produce, and sell under Portaria SVS/MS nº 344, although there are relaxed rules for religious use.
  • Canada: DMT is listed in Schedule III of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
  • Denmark: DMT is a Category B controlled substance.
  • Germany: DMT is controlled under Anlage I BtMG (Narcotics Act, Schedule I). Its manufacture, possession, import, export, purchase, sale, procurement, or dispensation without a license is illegal.
  • Italy: DMT is a Schedule I controlled substance.
  • The Netherlands: DMT is classified as a List I controlled substance under the Opiumwet (Opium Law).
  • New Zealand: DMT is classified as a Class A controlled substance under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.
  • United Kingdom: DMT is a Class A controlled substance.
  • United States: DMT is a Schedule I controlled substance with specific exemptions for religious use. Recent efforts have focused on eliminating internet sales of DMT-containing bark.
  • Czech Republic: DMT is a Schedule I controlled substance.

Please note that the legal status of DMT may change over time, and it is essential to verify the current regulations in your jurisdiction.


1. What is DMT?

DMT, or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a powerful psychedelic compound that naturally occurs in some plants, as well as in the human brain. It is known for its profound and intense psychedelic effects, often described as a “breakthrough” experience.

2. How is DMT typically consumed?

DMT can be consumed in various ways, including smoking, vaporizing, or as part of ayahuasca, a traditional Amazonian brew. When smoked or vaporized, it produces a short but intense psychedelic experience, while ayahuasca is a longer-lasting and more ceremonial experience.

3. What are the effects of DMT?

The effects of DMT are highly variable but often include intense visual and auditory hallucinations, altered perception of time and reality, and a sense of ego dissolution. Users may encounter otherworldly beings or entities during their trips. The experience is often described as both awe-inspiring and potentially challenging.

4. Is DMT safe?

DMT is generally considered safe when used responsibly and in a controlled setting. However, it can be psychologically intense and may not be suitable for everyone. It’s essential to approach DMT with caution, especially if you have a history of mental health issues or are taking medications. DMT is also illegal in many countries.

5. Can DMT be used for therapeutic purposes?

Some researchers are exploring the therapeutic potential of DMT in controlled settings. It has shown promise in addressing conditions like depression, anxiety, and addiction. However, more research is needed before it can be widely used as a therapeutic tool.

6. What is the difference between DMT and ayahuasca?

DMT is the primary psychoactive compound in ayahuasca, but the two are different in terms of duration and preparation. Ayahuasca is a traditional brew made by combining DMT-containing plants with a specific vine. The effects of ayahuasca last several hours and are often used in shamanic and healing ceremonies.

7. Is DMT addictive?

DMT is not considered physically addictive, and users typically do not develop a physical dependence on it. However, some individuals may find its psychological effects compelling and may misuse it. As with any substance, responsible use is crucial.

8. What are the potential risks of using DMT?

While DMT is not physically harmful in moderate doses, there are risks associated with its use, including:

  • Psychological distress or “bad trips”
  • Flashbacks or persistent perceptual changes
  • Legal consequences (DMT is illegal in many countries)
  • Interactions with medications or other substances

9. Can DMT be detected in drug tests?

Standard drug tests do not typically screen for DMT, so it is unlikely to show up in routine drug screenings. However, specific tests designed to detect DMT can identify its presence in the body.

10. How should I prepare for a DMT experience?

If you are considering using DMT, it’s crucial to prepare carefully. This includes researching the substance, understanding its effects, and ensuring you are in a safe and comfortable environment. Having a trusted and sober trip sitter is also recommended, especially for first-time users.

11. Is DMT legal?

The legal status of DMT varies by country and region. In many places, including the United States and much of Europe, DMT is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, making it illegal to possess, produce, or distribute.

12. Where can I learn more about DMT and its effects?

You can find more information about DMT in books, scientific articles, and online resources. It’s essential to rely on credible sources and consider the potential risks and benefits before using DMT.


  1. Nichols, David E. (2016). “Psychedelics”. Pharmacological Reviews. This source provides an overview of the pharmacological aspects of psychedelics, including DMT. Analogues: Pangæan Entheogens.” This book discusses the analogs of ayahuasca and their effects, including DMT.
  2. Shulgin, Alexander; Shulgin, Ann (1997). “DMT is Everywhere.” This book discusses the prevalence and distribution of DMT in various plants and organisms.
  3. Strassman, Rick J. (1995). “Human psychopharmacology of N, N-dimethyltryptamine.” This paper explores the effects of DMT on human psychology and behavior. 
  4. “Erowid DMT Vault: Basics.” An online resource providing basic information about DMT, its effects, and usage.
  5. Lüscher, Christian; Ungless, Mark A. (2006). “The Mechanistic Classification of Addictive Drugs.” This paper discusses the classification of addictive drugs, including DMT.
  6. Strassman, Rick (1984). “Adverse reactions to psychedelic drugs. A review of the literature.” A review of adverse reactions associated with psychedelic substances, including DMT. 
  7. “q21q21” (September 19, 2014). “Q21Q21 tek (and other limiters) NOT recommended for shredded bark!”—information about the extraction methods of DMT. 
  8. Manske R. H. F. (1931). “A synthesis of the methyltryptamines and some derivatives.” A historical paper on the synthesis of DMT and related compounds. 
  9. Bigwood J.; Ott J. (1977). “DMT: the fifteen-minute trip.” An article discussing the short duration of DMT experiences.
  10. Strassman, R. J.; Qualls, C. R.; Uhlenhuth, E. H.; Kellner, R. (1994). “Dose-response study of N, N-dimethyltryptamine in humans.” This study explores the dose-response effects of DMT in humans.
  11. Ott, Jonathan (1996). “Pharmacotheon: Entheogenic Drugs, Their Plant Sources and History.” This book delves into the history and sources of various entheogenic drugs, including DMT.
  12. Pachter I. J.; Zacharias D. E.; Ribeiro O. (1959). “Indole alkaloids of Acer saccharinum.” A research paper on indole alkaloids found in certain plants, including DMT-containing plants. 
  13. Fish M. S.; Johnson N. M.; Horning E. C. (1955). “Piptadenia alkaloids.” A paper on alkaloids found in Piptadenia species, including those containing DMT. 
  14. Cimino G.; De Stefano S. (1978). “Chemistry of Mediterranean gorgonians.” This paper discusses the chemistry of Mediterranean gorgonians, including simple indole derivatives like DMT. 
  15. Erowid DMT Vault: Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs – DMT. An online resource providing profiles and information about DMT. 
  16. Fontanilla, D.; Johannessen, M.; Hajipour, A. R.; Cozzi, N. V.; Jackson, M. B.; Ruoho, A. E. (2009). “The Hallucinogen N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) Is an Endogenous Sigma-1 Receptor Regulator.” This research explores the role of sigma-1 receptors in the effects of DMT. 
  17. Gallimore, Andrew R.; Strassman, Rick J. (2016). “A Model for the Application of Target-Controlled Intravenous Infusion for a Prolonged Immersive DMT Psychedelic Experience.” A study is proposing a model for controlled DMT administration. 
  18. Morales-Garcia, JA; Calleja-Conde, J; Lopez-Moreno, JA; Alonso-Gil, S; Sanz-SanCristobal, M; Riba, J; Perez-Castillo, A (28 September 2020). “N, N-dimethyltryptamine compound found in the hallucinogenic tea ayahuasca, regulates adult neurogenesis in vitro and in vivo.” Research on the effects of DMT found in ayahuasca on adult neurogenesis. 
  19. Timmermann, C., Roseman, L., Williams, L., Erritzoe, D., Martial, C., Cassol, H., … Carhart-Harris, R. (2018). “DMT Models the Near-Death Experience.” A study exploring the similarities between DMT experiences and near-death experiences. 
  20. Martial, C; Cassol, H; Charland-Verville, V; Pallavicini, C; Sanz, C; Zamberlan, F; Vivot, RM; Erowid, F; Erowid, E; Laureys, S; Greyson, B; Tagliazucchi, E (March 2019). “Neurochemical models of near-death experiences.” A study investigating neurochemical models of near-death experiences, including DMT’s role.
  21. Strassman, Rick J. (2001). “DMT: The Spirit Molecule.” A book detailing Dr. Strassman’s research into DMT’s effects on near-death and mystical experiences. 
  22. Nichols, David E. (2018). “N, N-dimethyltryptamine and the pineal gland: Separating fact from myth.” A paper discussing the association between DMT and the pineal gland.
  23. “‘Mystical’ psychedelic compound found in normal brains.” A news article reported the presence of DMT in normal human brains.
  24. Ly, Calvin; Greb, Alexandra C.; Cameron, Lindsay P.; Wong, Jonathan M.; Barragan, Eden V.; Wilson, Paige C.; … Olson, David E. (2018). “Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity.” A study explores psychedelics’ effects, including DMT, on neural plasticity. 
  25. Talaie, H.; Panahandeh, R.; Fayaznouri, M. R.; Asadi, Z.; Abdollahi, M. (2009). “Dose-independent occurrence of seizure with tramadol.” A study on the seizure-inducing potential of tramadol, unrelated to DMT but relevant to drug safety. 

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