Where to buy Methylone for sale online

Methylone research chemical sellers have become increasingly prevalent in the online marketplace, offering this designer drug for sale to a curious and often unsuspecting audience. While the availability of such substances may pique the interest of some researchers, it is essential to approach these vendors and their products with a critical eye.
First and foremost, the online marketplace for research chemicals is rife with risks. Many sellers operate in a legally grey area, exploiting loopholes to distribute substances that may not be adequately regulated. This lack of oversight raises concerns about product quality and safety, as the purity and composition of these research chemicals often need to be discovered. Researchers must be cautious about the authenticity and reliability of the substances they buy online.
Moreover, the proliferation of Methylone sellers online poses ethical dilemmas. While these vendors may market their products as tools for scientific inquiry, the reality is that many customers may be purchasing them for recreational use, potentially leading to harmful consequences. This blurs the line between legitimate scientific research and illicit drug use, undermining the intended purpose of these research chemicals.
It is also worth noting that Methylone is just one of numerous designer drugs available online, each with its potential risks and unknown long-term effects. The accessibility of such substances may inadvertently contribute to the ongoing public health crisis of substance abuse and addiction.


3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-methcathinone, known by various aliases including M1, MDMC, βk-MDMA, and Methylone, belongs to the cathinone class and represents a distinctive stimulant-entactogen compound.
In 1996, chemists Peyton Jacob III and Alexander Shulgin initially synthesized Methylone, envisioning its potential as an antidepressant.
Methylone is, at times, employed as an alternative to MDMA due to the analogous effects they elicit. Alexander Shulgin remarked on its potency, stating that it approaches that of MDMA but diverges in its resultant effects. He further noted its quasi-antidepressant qualities, marked by a pleasurable and positive nature, although it lacks the unique enchantment of MDMA.
The toxicity of Methylone remains inadequately explored, yet it is presumed to fall within a range comparable to that of MDMA, given its limited history of human usage. Employing harm reduction strategies is strongly recommended when engaging with this substance.

show IUPAC name
CAS Number186028-79-5  (racemic)
191916-41-3 (+)
PubChem CID27281606
CompTox Dashboard (EPA)DTXSID80870167 
Chemical and physical data
Molar mass207.229 g·mol−1


Methylone, scientifically known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone, is a synthetic compound belonging to the cathinone family. Cathinones share a structural resemblance with amphetamines, featuring a phenethylamine core that comprises a phenyl ring linked to an amino (NH2) group through an ethyl chain, with an additional methyl substitution at Rα. Notably, cathinones like methylone are categorized as alpha-methylated phenethylamines. What sets them apart from amphetamines is the inclusion of a ketone functional group, denoted by a carbonyl group at Rβ.

Within its chemical composition, methylone encompasses a methyl substitution at the RN position, a characteristic it shares with MDMA, mephedrone, and certain other stimulants. Additionally, methylone features extra substitutions at R3 and R4 on the phenyl ring, marked by oxygen groups. These oxygen groups are seamlessly integrated into a methylenedioxy ring through a methylene chain. Intriguingly, methylone shares this methylenedioxy ring structural motif with MDA, MDAI, and MDMA.


Methylone exerts its effects by acting as a dual-action agent, simultaneously inhibiting the reuptake and promoting the release of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are pivotal in regulating pleasure, motivation, focus, and well-being. Methylone’s mechanism involves impeding the reabsorption of these neurotransmitters once they have facilitated the transmission of neural signals. This inhibition allows them to accumulate in the synaptic cleft, leading to stimulating and euphoric effects.
Compared to MDMA, methylone exhibits approximately threefold lower affinity for the serotonin transporter (with a Ki value of 242.1 nM for methylone instead of 72 nM for MDMA). However, its affinity for the norepinephrine and dopamine transporters remains comparable. It’s worth noting that methylone’s affinity for the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) is roughly 13 times lower than that of MDMA.
These pharmacological distinctions about MDMA contribute to several key differences. Methylone is less potent in dosage, strikes a more balanced ratio between catecholaminergic and serotonergic effects, and behaves akin to a reuptake inhibitor akin to methylphenidate rather than a releaser akin to amphetamine. Nonetheless, methylone still possesses relatively robust releasing capabilities.


“Methylone” is a trademarked brand name for an injectable formulation of methylprednisolone, a corticosteroid hormone employed in treating arthritis and severe allergic reactions. Consequently, there is potential for confusion between methylone and this medication. To differentiate between the two, it’s worth noting that the prescription drug’s name is typically capitalized.
An alternative proposed designation for methylone is “bk-MDMA,” short for beta-keto-MDMA. While this terminology hasn’t gained widespread adoption due to the prior extensive use of the name “methylone” before the conflicting trademark was recognized, analogous terms such as “bk-MDEA” and “bk-MBDB” have become established labels for related substances.

Subjective effects

Disclaimer: The ensuing effects, as detailed below, reference the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), a compilation of anecdotal user reports and insights gathered from PsychonautWiki contributors. Therefore, it is prudent to approach these findings with scepticism.

It is crucial to acknowledge that these effects may not follow a precise or dependable pattern, though higher doses generally enhance the likelihood of experiencing the full range of products. Furthermore, escalating doses increase potential adverse effects, including addiction, severe harm, or even fatality ☠.


  1. Stimulation: Methylone is renowned for its pronounced inspiration, invigorating users both physically and energetically. This promotes running, climbing, and dancing activities, making it a preferred choice at music events like festivals and raves. This stimulation can become overwhelming at higher doses, leading to jaw clenching, involuntary bodily tremors, and vibrations, resulting in a profound lack of motor control.
  2. Spontaneous Physical Sensations: Methylone induces a body high characterized by moderate to extreme euphoric tingling sensations that envelop the entire body. This sensation can become intensely pleasurable at higher doses, maintaining a consistent presence that crescendos as the experience peaks.
  3. Tactile Enhancement
  4. Increased Heart Rate [citation needed]
  5. Increased Perspiration
  6. Increased Blood Pressure [citation needed]
  7. Suppression of Temperature Regulation [citation needed]
  8. Increased Bodily Temperature
  9. Dehydration: Users typically experience dry mouth and dehydration due to an accelerated heart rate and a strong urge to engage in strenuous physical activities. It is essential to avoid dehydration wildly when dancing in hot environments, as excessive water consumption can lead to water intoxication.
  10. Difficulty Urinating: Higher methylone doses may temporarily impede urination. This effect is harmless and linked to methylone’s anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) release stimulation, which regulates urination. It can be alleviated by relaxation or by applying a warm cloth to the genital area to encourage blood flow.
  11. Vibrating Vision: At elevated doses, a person’s eyeballs may exhibit spontaneous rapid back-and-forth motion, causing blurry and temporarily unfocused vision—a condition known as nystagmus.
  12. Teeth Grinding: While present, this effect is reportedly less prominent than that associated with MDMA.
  13. Pupil Dilation


  1. Anxiety Suppression
  2. Disinhibition
  3. Cognitive Euphoria: Methylone induces intense mental stimulation, feelings of love or empathy, and powerful euphoria. These effects are likely due to serotonin and dopamine release, with delight resembling amphetamine and mephedrone more than MDMA.
  4. Empathy, Affection, and Sociability Enhancement: Though distinct and powerful, this feeling is less pronounced and therapeutic than that of MDMA. It manifests as a less forceful and more inward experience of love and empathy, not necessarily demanding external expression.
  5. Psychosis
  6. Increased Music Appreciation
  7. Time Compression: Methylone often creates intense sensations of time speeding up, encouraging compulsive redosing.
  8. Compulsive Redosing
  9. Thought Acceleration
  10. Immersion Enhancement
  11. Motivation Enhancement
  12. Increased Libido
  13. Wakefulness


The aftermath of a stimulant experience generally carries negative and uncomfortable sensations compared to the peak effects. This is commonly called a “comedown” attributed to neurotransmitter depletion. Aftereffects may encompass:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Cognitive Fatigue
  3. Depression
  4. Irritability
  5. Motivation Suppression
  6. Thought Deceleration
  7. Wakefulness


The toxicity and long-term health implications of recreational methylone use have not undergone comprehensive scientific scrutiny, primarily due to its limited history of human consumption. The exact toxic dosage remains unknown, underscoring the need for caution.

Anecdotal accounts from individuals within the community who have experimented with methylone suggest that there have been no reported adverse health effects at low to moderate doses used infrequently. However, it is crucial to recognize that guarantees cannot be made regarding its safety.

Individuals should employ harm reduction practices when engaging with this substance.

Dependence and Abuse Potential: 

Similar to other stimulants, chronic use of methylone can be moderately addictive and carry a high potential for abuse, leading to psychological dependence in certain users. Those grappling with addiction may experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms if they abruptly cease usage.

Tolerance to many of methylone’s effects develops with repeated use, necessitating progressively larger doses to achieve the same results. Patience typically takes 1 to 3 weeks to diminish by half and 3 to 6 weeks to return to baseline without further consumption. Methylone induces cross-tolerance with all dopaminergic stimulants, meaning that the effects of other stimulants will be diminished after methylone use.


Prolonged and high-dosage consumption of stimulants, including methylone, may lead to stimulant psychosis, characterized by symptoms like paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. A review of the treatment of amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and methamphetamine-induced psychosis suggests that around 5–15% of users may not fully recover. Antipsychotic medications have been reported to alleviate acute amphetamine psychosis symptoms effectively. It’s important to note that therapeutic use rarely leads to psychosis.

Dangerous Interactions: 

Caution is paramount when combining methylone with other substances, as it can lead to potentially hazardous and even life-threatening scenarios. Some known dangerous interactions include:

  • 25x-NBOMe & 25x-NBOH: Combining these compounds with methylone should be strictly avoided due to the risk of excessive stimulation, increased blood pressure, vasoconstriction, panic attacks, thought loops, seizures, and, in severe cases, heart failure.
  • Alcohol: Mixing alcohol with stimulants is perilous, as stimulants can mask alcohol’s depressant effects. This can lead to blackouts and severe respiratory depression when the motivation wears off. If combined, limit alcohol consumption carefully.
  • DXM: Avoid combinations with DXM due to its inhibitory effects on serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake, which can lead to panic attacks and potentially hypertensive crises or serotonin syndrome when combined with serotonin releasers like MDMA, methylone, or mephedrone.
  • MDMA: Co-administration of methylone with MDMA can heighten the potential neurotoxic effects of MDMA, along with risks of elevated blood pressure and cardiac strain.
  • MXE: Reports suggest that combining methylone with MXE may increase blood pressure significantly and escalate the risk of mania and psychosis.
  • Dissociatives: Both methylone and dissociatives carry inherent risks of delusions, mania, and psychosis, which may be magnified when used together.
  • Stimulants: Combining methylone with other motivations, such as cocaine, can lead to dangerous elevations in heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Tramadol: Tramadol has a known tendency to lower the seizure threshold, and when combined with stimulants, it may further increase this risk.

Serotonin Syndrome Risk: 

Certain combinations can lead to excessively high serotonin levels, causing serotonin syndrome, a condition requiring immediate medical attention and potentially fatal if untreated. These combinations include:

  • MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors): Such as banisteriopsis caapi, Syrian rue, phenelzine, selegiline, and moclobemide.
  • Serotonin Releasers: MDMA, 4-FA, methamphetamine, methylone, and αMT.
  • SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): Such as citalopram and sertraline.
  • SNRIs (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors): Such as tramadol and venlafaxine.
  • 5-HTP: This dietary supplement can also increase the risk of serotonin syndrome when used with methylone.

Legal status

Austria: As of June 26, 2019, the possession, production, and sale of methylone are prohibited under the SMG (Suchtmittelgesetz Österreich).

Brazil: Methylone is illegal to possess, produce, and sell in Brazil, as listed in Portaria SVS/MS nº 344.

Canada: While not categorized as a Schedule 1 substance, Health Canada considers methylone to fall under scheduling as an amphetamine analogue. However, methylone exhibits an exact chemical difference from amphetamine and cathinone, implying that it remains unscheduled in Canada.

Germany: Methylone has been controlled under Anlage II BtMG (Narcotics Act, Schedule II) since July 26, 2012. Manufacturing, possessing, importing, exporting, buying, selling, procuring, or dispensing without a license is unlawful.

The Netherlands: Methylone falls under the regulations of the Medicine Act and is forbidden for trade due to its lack of official approval.

New Zealand: Although not explicitly scheduled and not fitting the strict definitions of an “amphetamine analogue” in the Misuse of Drugs Act, methylone is considered “substantially similar” to methcathinone and is, therefore, deemed a Class C illegal drug by law enforcement authorities.Russia: Methylone is classified as a Schedule I prohibited substance.

Sweden: Methylone was included in Schedule I narcotics in Sweden as of October 1, 2010.

Switzerland: Methylone is a controlled substance listed explicitly under Verzeichnis D.

United Kingdom: Methylone is categorized as a Class B drug in the United Kingdom, thanks to the cathinone catch-all clause.

United States: As of October 21, 2011, the DEA has imposed an emergency ban on methylone, making its possession and distribution illegal.


1. What is Methylone?

  • Methylone, also known as “M1,” “MDMC,” or “βk-MDMA,” is a synthetic compound belonging to the cathinone class. It shares structural similarities with amphetamines and is known for its stimulant and entactogenic effects.

2. What are the effects of Methylone?

  • Methylone is commonly reported to induce stimulation, euphoria, increased sociability, and empathy. Users often experience heightened physical energy, raised tactile sensations, and an overall sense of well-being.

3. Is Methylone legal in my country?

  • The legal status of Methylone varies by country and region. It is essential to check the specific laws and regulations in your area to determine their legality.

4. What are the risks associated with Methylone use?

  • Methylone use can carry several risks, including addiction potential, adverse physical effects like increased heart rate and dehydration, and potential psychological effects like anxiety and psychosis at high doses. Long-term health effects and toxicity are not well-studied, making responsible use crucial.

5. Is Methylone safe to use?

  • The safety of Methylone use is debatable, given the limited scientific research available. While some users report positive experiences, it is essential to use harm-reduction practices, exercise caution, and consider the potential risks and consequences.

6. What is the recommended dosage for Methylone?

  • Dosage recommendations can vary widely depending on individual tolerance and body chemistry. It is crucial to start with a low dose and gradually increase if needed. However, it’s essential to be aware that the purity of the substance can vary, making accurate dosing challenging.

7. How is Methylone typically consumed?

  • Methylone is usually ingested orally but can also be snorted or dissolved in a liquid for injection. Oral consumption is considered safer and less prone to complications.

8. Can Methylone be addictive?

  • Methylone can be addictive, and chronic use may lead to psychological dependence. Users may experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop using the substance.

9. What precautions should I take when using Methylone?

  • If you choose to use Methylone, it is essential to use harm-reduction practices, including proper hydration, avoiding excessive doses, and being cautious about potential drug interactions. Additionally, having a trusted and sober friend present can enhance safety.

10. Can Methylone be detected in drug tests?

  • Standard drug tests may not detect Methylone, as it often requires specialized testing. However, it’s essential to note that drug testing methods can vary, and the substance may still be detectable depending on the circumstances.

11. Is Methylone the same as MDMA?

  • While Methylone shares some similarities with MDMA (Ecstasy), they are distinct compounds with different effects and safety profiles. Methylone is considered to have a less predictable and potentially riskier profile compared to MDMA.


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  8. Government of Austria. “Controlled Drugs and Substances Act: Legislative History, Schedule I, Section 19: Tramadol [Proposed]; Amphetamines.”
  9. Government of Austria. “Controlled Drugs and Substances Act: Definitions and Interpretations.”
  10. Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. “Anlage II BtMG” (in German). Retrieved December 18, 2019.
  11. Bundesanzeiger Verlag. “Twenty-Sixth Regulation Amending Narcotic Regulations” (in German). Retrieved December 18, 2019.
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  15. Medical Products Agency (Sweden). “Regulation LVFS 2010:23” [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www.lakemedelsverket.se/upload/lvfs/LVFS_2010_23.pdf.
  16. Bundeskanzlei (Federal Chancellery of Switzerland). “Regulation of the EDI on the Lists of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, Precursors, and Auxiliary Chemicals” (in German). Retrieved January 1, 2020.
  17. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendment) Order 2010.
  18. U.S. Department of Justice. “Control and Regulation of Chemicals Used in ‘Bath Salts.'” Retrieved from http://www.justice.gov/dea/divisions/hq/2011/hq102111.shtml.
  19. U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. “Schedules of Controlled Substances: Placement of Methylone into Schedule I.” Retrieved from http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/fed_regs/rules/2012/fr1017.htm.

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